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Applying Real Estate Investing Wisdom During a Recession

Applying Real Estate Investing Wisdom During a Recession

Real estate is an asset class that has stood the test of time and allowed many investors to generate substantial wealth. By following the three core principles of real estate investing, summarized below, it is possible to generate positive returns...

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Residential real estate as an investment

Residential real estate as an investment

Investors should be focused on sectors that present strong yields today, combined with a strong outlook for yield and capital appreciation in the future. Residential real estate, presents a strong case for its ability to meet this criteria and to...

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RRSP and TFSA 101

RRSP and TFSA 101

RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) You must have “earned income” to contribute to an RRSP. To start building RRSP contribution room, you have to file an income tax return — even if you don’t owe any tax. Your notice of assessment will tell...

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